composition of fragility

  • composition of fragility

Yamamoto-san makes charcoal. It is not ordinary charcoal, but carbonised flowers, nuts, and leaves collected from the mountains. He puts the collected items into a thick iron kiln, shuts off the air, and builds a fire. With forms of objects purely extracted, they do not decay and the shapes appear to be permanent. However, they are so delicate that they easily fall to pieces, which gives a strange sensation of permanence and fragility coexisting. Yamamoto-san makes them as interior decorations, but he at times is in trouble because the charcoals often fall apart when someone touches or shakes them. Isamu Hazama who is a neighbor of Yamamoto-san took up a research study where he deliberately incorporated fragility and weakness in the display and made compositions with materials he found around his house and in the studio. They are barely retaining their shape, even swaying in the soft wind.

Isamu Hazama
charred plants